Believing in the essence and necessity of being aware of technological advances, Grey conducts workshops on latest technologies & trends. Understanding something new is always made easier by practical sessions. Workshops available for Corporates & Colleges towards employee/faculty/student trainings. Each workshop is a springboard to a deeper understanding of technology and its myriad applications and potential for innovation.All our workshops are fully practical sessions giving real hands-on working experience to the participants.
Special training packages available for IEEE Student Branches.
Our Popular Workshop Topics:
- Raspberry Pi
- Arduino
- OpenCV
- OpenCV on Raspberry Pi, using Python
- Microchip Certified Workshop on PIC 16 series Micro controllers
- Microchip Certified Workshop on PIC 18 series Micro controllers
- Microchip Certified Workshop on PIC 24 series Micro controllers
- Robo Tricks- Robotics Workshops
- Android Controlled Robot Workshop
- Electronic Product Design Workshop
- Machine Vision
- Wireless Communications Workshop
- PCB Design
- Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
- Free RTOS
- ARM Processors
- Digital Image Processing (DIP)
- Digital Signal Processors
- C Programming
- Python
- Dive into the Depths of C ( Advanced C Programming)
- Computer Hardware & Networking Workshop
- Security Systems Workshop
- Java
- Android
- Internet of Things
- NS2